Tech Writers Guild

Join the Guild and Explore the Limitless Possibilities of Decentralized Tech Writing

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Research Deep Dive

Research Deep Dive

Research Deep Dive

Share your insights and analysis on the latest developments in decentralized finance, blockchain governance, and more.

Implementation Deep Dive

Implementation Deep Dive

Implementation Deep Dive

Showcase your technical writing skills by explaining how Web3 can be used in real-world problems.

Twitter Threads

Twitter Threads

Twitter Threads

Showcase your ability to communicate complex ideas in short, concise threads.

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Any Questions?
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Find answers to common questions about the Alchemy University Tech Writers Guild and our Web3 writing contests.

What is the Alchemy University Tech Writers Guild?

The Alchemy University Tech Writers Guild is a community of writers who are passionate about Web3 technology. Our guild members participate in writing contests and deep dives that focus on topics related to blockchain, decentralized finance, and more.

Can anyone join the guild?

Yes, anyone can join the Alchemy University Tech Writers Guild. Simply visit our website and sign up to become a member.

What kind of writing contests do you hold?

We hold several types of writing contests, including research deep dives, implementation deep dives, and Twitter thread contests. Each contest has its own guidelines and prizes, so be sure to check our website for the latest updates.

How can I submit my writing for a contest?

Once you're a member of the guild, you can submit your writing for a contest by following the submission guidelines on our website. Be sure to read the rules carefully to ensure your submission meets all the requirements.

How can I stay up-to-date on the latest guild news and events?

You can stay up-to-date on the latest guild news and events by following us on social media, joining our Discord community, and signing up for our newsletter. We also post regular updates on our website, so be sure to check back often.